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“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”

- Claude Bernard -

Academic Publications with PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1840 grant Acknowledgment
1. Journal Articles
1. Tăbăran, Alexandru-Flaviu, et al. "Silver Nanoparticles for the Therapy of Tuberculosis." International Journal of Nanomedicine 15 (2020): 2231. (ISI=5.115)
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 2. Books

1. Tăbăran, F., Toxicitatea şi Aplicaţiile Nanotuburilor de Carbon ȋn Terapia Cancerului, Editura AcademicPres, 2019, ISBN 978-973-744- 727-2. (carte de specialitate).

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3. Conference Presentations with PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-18400 grant Acknowledgment


a. 2019 ACVP and ASVCP meeting, San Antonio , Texas, USA, 9-13 Noiembrie 2019, poster “Omental Milky Spots Reaction To Intraperitoneally-Delivered Metallic And Carbonaceous Nanoparticles” Alexandru-Flaviu Tăbăran, Cristian Tudor Matea, Teodora Mocan, Lucian Mocan, Cornel Iancu

b. The 18th International Conference ”Life Sciences For Sustainable Development” 26– 28 Septembrie 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania– prezentare orala: “Modulation Of Mouse Peritoneal-Derived Macrophages Phenotype By Silver–Gold Alloy Nanoparticles (Au-Ag Nps)” Alexandru-Flaviu Tăbăran, Cristian Tudor Matea, Teodora Mocan, Lucian Mocan, Cornel Iancu.

c. 58th Annual Meeting “Towards a Global Health” In perioada: 17-18 octombrie 2019", – prezentare orala: “Systemic Mycobacteriosis Combined With Intestinal Tumors Induced ByHeterakis Gallinarum In A Goldenpheasant (Chrysolophus Pictus)” Alexandru-Flaviu TĂBĂRAN, Boros Zsolt, Nagy Andras



d. 19th International Conference ”Life Sciences for Sustainable Development” (24-25 septembrie 2020), Mannan-Coated Au@Ag Bimetallic Nanoparticles Induce M1-Like Phenotype Of Mouse Peritoneal resident Macrophages.

e. NanoTEK - Nanomedicine Conference for students (17-18 octombrie 2020) „Toxicity of Nanometerials”, 17-18 octombrie 2020. Flaviu Tabaran.



f. Al XIII-lea Congres Naţional al Societăţii Române de Fiziologie (22-24 octombrie 2020) „Solutii de imunoprofilaxie pe baza de nanoparticule. Concepte, tendinte, rezultate preliminare”. Teodora Mocan Oana Cadar, Eva Dulf, Lucian Mocan, Flaviu Tabaran, Cristian Matea, Simona Clichici.


 4. Abstracts: 


1. ”Mannan-Coated Au@Ag Bimetallic Nanoparticles Induce M1-Like Phenotype Of Mouse Peritoneal resident Macrophages” Autori: Flaviu Tăbăran, Cristian Tudor Matea, 19th International Conference ”Life Sciences for Sustainable Development” (ISSN: 2392-6937, ISSN-L: 2392-6937), September 2020, Printed by AcademicPres (EAP), pag 292.


© 2019 by Flaviu T

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