The Project

The BiNano-Myc project aims to develop and validate a gold-silver alloy based bio-nanostructure (Au-AgNP) designed by mannan coating for intra-macrophage targeted therapy of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infections. The main objectives of this project are:
(1) Synthesis and characterization of AgNP with antibacterial attributes and preparation of mannan-coated Au-AgNP;
(2) Assessment of antimycobacterial functions of mannan-coated Au-AgNP on bacterial cultures of Mtb;
(3) In vitro assessment of selective internalization and the dose/particle size-related toxicity of mannan-coated Au-AgNP on macrophages. (4) In vitro assessment of antimycobacterial functions of mannan-coated Au-AgNP against Mtb-infected macrophage.
To develop and validate the synthesis of a unique antibacterial platform for anti-tuberculosis therapy consisting of Au-Ag nanoparticles (Au-AgNP) in different molar ratios functionalized with the polymer mannan. This patentable new design intends to reduce the Au-AgNP cytotoxicity, to enhance the antibacterial activity of Ag and Au, and to determine a selective macrophage internalization of therapeutic nanoparticles. Additionally, due to the presence of mannan coting, the proposed antibacterial construct is expected to stimulate the innate immune cells phagocytic function, classical macrophage activation, and thus to enhance the innate immune cells anti-mycobacterial activity and to potentiate the metallic nanoparticle antibacterial effect.
Estimated Results

Academic Publications with PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1840 grant Acknowledgment
1. Journal Articles
1. Tăbăran, Alexandru-Flaviu, et al. "Silver Nanoparticles for the Therapy of Tuberculosis." International Journal of Nanomedicine 15 (2020): 2231. (ISI=5.115)

2. Books
1. Tăbăran, F., Toxicitatea şi Aplicaţiile Nanotuburilor de Carbon ȋn Terapia Cancerului, Editura AcademicPres, 2019, ISBN 978-973-744- 727-2. (carte de specialitate).

Conference Presentations with PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-18400 grant Acknowledgment

a. 2019 ACVP and ASVCP meeting, San Antonio , Texas, USA, 9-13 Noiembrie 2019, poster “Omental Milky Spots Reaction To Intraperitoneally-Delivered Metallic And Carbonaceous Nanoparticles” Alexandru-Flaviu Tăbăran, Cristian Tudor Matea, Teodora Mocan, Lucian Mocan, Cornel Iancu
b. The 18th International Conference ”Life Sciences For Sustainable Development” 26– 28 Septembrie 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania– prezentare orala: “Modulation Of Mouse Peritoneal-Derived Macrophages Phenotype By Silver–Gold Alloy Nanoparticles (Au-Ag Nps)” Alexandru-Flaviu Tăbăran, Cristian Tudor Matea, Teodora Mocan, Lucian Mocan, Cornel Iancu.
c. 58th Annual Meeting “Towards a Global Health” In perioada: 17-18 octombrie 2019", – prezentare orala: “Systemic Mycobacteriosis Combined With Intestinal Tumors Induced ByHeterakis Gallinarum In A Goldenpheasant (Chrysolophus Pictus)” Alexandru-Flaviu TÄ‚BÄ‚RAN, Boros Zsolt, Nagy Andras
d. 19th International Conference ”Life Sciences for Sustainable Development” (24-25 septembrie 2020), Mannan-Coated Au@Ag Bimetallic Nanoparticles Induce M1-Like Phenotype Of Mouse Peritoneal resident Macrophages.
e. NanoTEK - Nanomedicine Conference for students (17-18 octombrie 2020) „Toxicity of Nanometerials”, 17-18 octombrie 2020. Flaviu Tabaran.
f. Al XIII-lea Congres NaÅ£ional al Societăţii Române de Fiziologie (22-24 octombrie 2020) „Solutii de imunoprofilaxie pe baza de nanoparticule. Concepte, tendinte, rezultate preliminare”. Teodora Mocan Oana Cadar, Eva Dulf, Lucian Mocan, Flaviu Tabaran, Cristian Matea, Simona Clichici.
1. UEFSCDI, PRECISI-2020: “Premierea rezultatelor cercetării - articole” (Articole publicate în reviste din zona Q1/”RoÈ™ie”), cod PN-III-P1-1.1- PRECISI 2020- 45851. [ ”Silver Nanoparticles for the Therapy of Tuberculosis” Tăbăran Alexandru-Flaviu, Cristian Tudor Matea, Mocan Teodora, Mocan Lucian, Marian Mihaiu, Cornel Iancu., International Journal Of Nanomedicine [ISSN: 1176-9114 (print) 1178-2013 (web)], Volume: 15, Pages: 2231-225]
2.Gold medal: RO INVENT 2020, a XVIII-a ediÅ£ie a Salonului Cercetării ÅžtiinÅ£ifice, Inovării ÅŸi Inventicii, 18-20 noiembrie 2020. [OSIM Nr. A/10051/2020 [din 22 septembrie 2020]: “Process for Obtaining Silver Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with Mannan for Targeted Therapy Of Macrophages in Tuberculosis”. Autor / autori: Flaviu Tabaran, Matea Cristian, Mocan Teodora, Lucian Mocan]
3. UEFSCDI, PRECBVT-2020: „Premierea rezultatelor cercetării - brevete”, bevete OSIM, cod PN-III-P1-1.1- PRECBVT-2020- 2829 [Brevet Nr. RO131845 [din 30.04.2020]: „Procedeu Pentru ObÅ£inerea Nanostructurilor FuncÅ£ionalizate cu Aplicabilitate în Tratamentul Cancerului de Colon ”, Autori: Mocan Teodora, Matea Cristian, Iancu Cornel, Agoston Vas Coldea Lucica, Tăbăran Flaviu, Mocan Lucian.]
4.UEFSCDI, PRECBVT-2020: „Premierea rezultatelor cercetării - brevete”, bevete OSIM, cod PN-III-P1-1.1- PRECBVT-2020- 2902 [Brevet Nr. RO130790 [din 29.05.2020]: „Procedeu pentru obtinerea nanostructurilor biofunctionalizate de tip GNP-MUC-1 cu aplicabilitate in prevenirea aparitiei neoplaziilor colonice.” Autori: can Teodora Mocan, Cristian Matea, Iancu Cornel, Flaviu Tabaran, Zaharia Florin, Lucian Mocan, Catoi Cornel]
5.UEFSCDI, PRECBVT-2020: „Premierea rezultatelor cercetării - brevete”, bevete OSIM, cod PN-III-P1-1.1- PRECBVT-2020- 2892 [Brevet Nr. RO130792 [din 29.05.2020]: „Procedeu pentru obtinerea nanostructurilor biofunctionalizate de tip MWCNT-CA-15-3 cu aplicabilitate in tratamentul cancerului de pancreas.” Autori: can Teodora Mocan, Lucian Mocan, Cristian Matea, Iancu Cornel, Flaviu Tabaran, Ioana Ioana Rada]
Flaviu Tabaran, DVM, Ph.D, Dipl ACVP​
Tel +40751555604
Alternative Office
Department of Anatomic Pathology
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
Calea Manastur nr. 3-5, Cluj-Napoca, 400035, Romania
Department of Nanomedicine
Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology “Octavian Fodor”
Strada Croitorilor 19, Cluj-Napoca 400000, Romania