Romelia graduated from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca in 2020. She began her Ph.D. in the Department of Pathology, Necropsy, and Forensic Medicine in October 2020. Currently, she is following an 18 months internship in the same department. She is interested in all aspects of pathology, but at the same time, she has a particular interest in small animal pathology.
Romelia graduated from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca in 2020. She began her Ph.D. in the Department of Pathology, Necropsy, and Forensic Medicine in October 2020. Currently, she is following an 18 months internship in the same department. She is interested in all aspects of pathology, but at the same time, she has a particular interest in small animal pathology.
Case 1/2021
MDX: Dog, Extensive left ventricular noncompaction, with severe dilation of the right atrium and endocardial fibroelastosis
Gross pathology of the heart. a Severe dilation of the right atrium, right atrial appendage and right ventricle, as seen from the right. b An inside view of the right heart showing severe dilation of the right atrium with a dysplastic tricuspid valve consisting of marked hypoplasia of the chordae tendineae, and thick, deformed, and malpositioned valve leaflets. Note the large accessory orifice (arrowhead) of the double-orifice tricuspid valve. The arrow indicates the normal right ventricular inflow tract. c An inside view of the left heart demonstrating the prominent trabeculation of the left ventricular free wall and a marked hypoplastic and branched papillary muscle (Ao, aorta; IVS, interventricular septum; L-At, left atrium; L-Au, left atrial appendage; LV, left ventricle; LV-Fr, left ventricular free wall; PA, pulmonary artery; R-At, right atrium; R-Au, right atrial appendage; RV, right ventricle)
Histopathologic features of the left ventricular free wall and interventricular septum (a, b) Left ventricular free wall: multiple papillary trabeculae with a broad basis, an increased basophilia and a thick fibrous endocardium. Note that the noncompacted layer is thicker than the compacted one. c Prominent subendocardial fibrosis (asterisk). d Detailed image of the demarked area from image B. The arrows indicate several well-delineated areas of dystrophic mineralization (CL, compacted layer; IVS, interventricular septum; LV, left ventricular free wall; NCL, non-compacted layer)